Product Manager

  • Christie
    • 임병삼 010-5393-1156
    • 안병석 010-6559-5245


Christie MicroTiles Designer™ 2.0

In a few steps you can see how your design will look in your space, create a simple reference diagram, and generate a bill of materials so that you can order everything that you need.


It’s easy to get started 

The MicroTiles Designer 2.0 is available in two different versions - lite and pro.  The lite version lets you visualize shapes and dimensions for an optimal display in your physical space. The pro version provides the full array of features and lets you save or export your desired shape configuration.

MicroTiles Designer 2.0 (lite version)     MicroTiles Designer 2.0 (pro version)


Application Feature



Visualize what a Christie MicroTiles display will look like, including unique, non-rectangular shapes



Determine the best-fit Christie MicroTiles display within a physical space



Calculate the nominal dimensions, weight and energy/cooling load for a Christie MicroTiles display



Optimize the arrangement of ECU* subarrays to support a desired source resolution



Display a cabling diagram with suggested signal routing between tiles and ECUs 


Display a bill of materials with Christie part numbers and quantities 


Print a customizable summary of the design, including specifications, bill of materials, and cabling diagram 


Save the design to a file so that it can be shared or reopened again later 



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